MARC状态:已编 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:56
- 题名/责任者:
- Technologies to improve sugar productivity in developing countries : IS-2006 / editors-in-chief, Yang-Rui Li and S. Solomon.
- 出版发行项:
- Beijing : China Agriculture Press, 2006.
- 7109113019 :
- 载体形态项:
- xii, 879 p. : ill. ; 31 cm.
- 变异题名:
- Technologies to improve sugar productivity in developing countries : proceedings of the International Symposinm : IS-2006
- 变异题名:
- 发展中国家糖业科技进步国际学术研讨会论文集
- 团体责任者:
- International Association of Professionals in Sugar and Integrated Technologies. International Symposium (2nd : 2006 ; Guilin, China)
- 附加个人名称:
- Li, Yangrui
- 附加个人名称:
- Soloman, S.
- 论题主题:
- Sugar-Manufacture and refining-Congresses.
- 中图法分类号:
- TS24-53
- 书目附注:
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 随书光盘: