MARC状态:订购 文献类型:中文图书 浏览次数:93
- 题名/责任者:
- 丹参的化学、药理与临床应用/张均田,杜冠华主编
- 出版发行项:
- 北京:化学工业出版社,2013-8-1
- ISBN及定价:
- 978-7-122-17481-9/CNY198.00
- 载体形态项:
- 270页;26cm
- 个人责任者:
- 张均田
- 中图法分类号:
- R282.710.5
- 提要文摘附注:
- According to the general rules of lreatment, there are many kinds of drugs used in traditionalChinese medicine. Such as clearing away heai and toxic material (清热解毒). suppressinghyperactive liver for calming endogenous "wind" (平肝息风), promoting blood circulationfor eliminating blood stasis (活血化瘀 ) * supplying body fluids and reinforcing Qi(vital energy) (生津补气) , and so on. Among them, drugs of activating the blood and eliminatingphlegm are characterized by relieving carciio-cerebrai vascular ischemia reducing bloodviscosity and thrombosis. As repre.sentative of clrugs of activating the blood and eliminatingphlegm, Danshen (丹参, Salvia miltiorrhiza) received high atiention at home and abroad.Siudy on the chemisiry of Salvia miltiorrhiza starcecl at thirties of 2011' century. Japanese scieniistsisolaied .some lipid soluble consiituents, such as tanshinone I , ianshinone n . crypianshinone,eic. F'rom foriies of 20ch century till now, Chinese scientists pay great atteniionto the research of chemistry. pharmacology and clinical use of Salz-ia miltinrrhiza.Thechemists of our institute isolated 13 water soluble chemical components named salvianolicacids. Seven of them are new compounds, they were named as Salvianolic acid A. B, C, D, E, F, G separately by Prof LN Li.
- 使用对象附注:
- 药理学人员
- 随书光盘: