MARC状态:已编 文献类型:西文图书 浏览次数:38
- 题名/责任者:
- Ecology and silviculture of western larch forests / by Wyman C. Schmidt, Raymond C. Shearer, Arthur L. Roe.
- 出版发行项:
- [Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1976.
- 载体形态项:
- iv, 96 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- 个人责任者:
- Schmidt, Wyman C.
- 附加个人名称:
- Roe, Arthur L., joint author.
- 附加个人名称:
- Shearer, Raymond C., joint author.
- 附加团体名称:
- United States. Forest Service.
- 丛编团体名称:
- United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Technical bulletin ; no. 1520.
- 论题主题:
- Larch.
- 一般附注:
- Item 16
- 书目附注:
- Bibliography: p. 61-66.
- 随书光盘: