西文图书1.Physiological peptides and new trends in radioimmunology : proceedings of the Vth International Symp Q516-53/ISR/(1981)
可借复本:1 sponsored by Institut National de la Recherche mdicaleetDlgation gnrale la recherche scientifique e
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press ; 1981.
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西文图书2.Radioimmunology 1979 : proceedings of the IVth International Symposium on Radioimmunology held in Ly R371-53/ISR/(1979)
可借复本:1 sponsored by Institut National de la Recherche M鈋dicale et D鈋l鈋gation G鈋n鈋rale 醓 laRechercheSc
Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press ; 1979.
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