西文图书1.Poultry production / 12th ed. S831/NMC/(12)
可借复本:4 Malden C. Nesheim, Richard E. Austic, Leslie E. Card.
Lea & Febiger, 1979.
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中文图书2.Diseases and parasites of poultry / 5th ed. 619.5/B238.5
可借复本:4 by Edgar Hugh Barger, Leslie Ellsworth Card, and B.S. Pomeroy.
Henry Kimpton, 1958.
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中文图书3.Diseases and parasites of poultry / 3rd ed. 619.5/B238
可借复本:1 by Edgar Hugh Barger and Leslie Ellsworth Card.
Lea & Febiger, 1943.
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