西文期刊1.Agricultural engineering abstracts / S2/AEA
可借复本:4 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
The Bureaux, 1976-
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西文期刊2.Bulletin of entomological research. Q96/BER
可借复本:94 C.A.B. International.
CABI Pub. [etc.]
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西文图书3.A Catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial Arthropods. Section B, Volume 2, Enemy/host or S476-7/HB/V.2/PT.2.
可借复本:1 prepared by B. Herting [and] F.J. Simmonds.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1982.
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中文图书4.The breeding of herbage plants in Scandinavia and Finland. 633.2/G798
可借复本:2 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
Imperial Bureau of Pastures and Forage Crops ; 1940.
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西文期刊5.Agricultural and horticultural engineering abstracts. S2/AHE
可借复本:6 British Society for Research in Agricultural Engineering.
The institute, 1950-1966.
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西文期刊6.Soybean Abstracts
可借复本:0 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
The Bureaux 1978-
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西文图书7.Plant nutrition 1982 : proceedings of the Ninth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium / S14-53/IPN/(1982)
可借复本:4 ed. by A. Scaife.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, c1982.
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西文图书8.A Catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial Arthropods. Section B, Volume 1, Enemy/host or S476-7/HB/V.2/PT.1.
可借复本:1 prepared by B. Herting [and] F.J. Simmonds.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1980.
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西文图书9.French-English horticultural dictionary : with English-French index / 2nd ed. S6-61/BDO/(2)
可借复本:1 by D. O'D. Bourke.
C.A.B. International, c1989.
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中文图书10.A Review of nitrogen in the tropics with particular reference to pastures : a symposium [held in Bri 630.52/C734
可借复本:2 Edited by a committee of the Division of Tropical Pastures, C.S.I.R.O., Australia.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1962]
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西文图书11.A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 1, Parasite host catalogue / R/016.5957/T379
可借复本:19 prepared under the direction of W. R. Thompson, F.R.S., by the staff of the Imperial parasite servic
The Imperial parasite service, 1943-50.
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西文图书12.A world dictionary of livestock breeds, types and varieties / 2nd. rev. ed. S8-61/MIL/(2)
可借复本:1 by I.L. Mason.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1969.
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西文期刊13.Field crop abstracts.
可借复本:3 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1948-
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西文图书14.CAB-The first 50 years / S-3/CAB:2
可借复本:3 by Thomas Scrivenor.
CAB., c1980.
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西文图书15.A Catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial Arthropods. Section A, Volume 7, Host or prey/ S476-7/HB/V.1/PT.7.
可借复本:1 prepared by B. Herting [and] F.J. Simmonds.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1976.
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西文图书16.A Catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial Arthropods. Section C, Volume 2, Bibliography. S476-7/HB/V.3./PT.2.
可借复本:1 prepared by B. Herting [and] F.J. Simmonds.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1972.
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西文图书17.The economics of tropical agriculture / F316/AB
可借复本:3 Bernd Andreae ; English edition edited by Jean Kestner.
CAB., c1980.
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西文图书18.Technical bulletin of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control / S433/CAB
可借复本:2 CAB.
CAB., 19 -
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中文图书19.The production of seed of root crops and vegetables. SB117
可借复本:1 Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops.
Imperial Bureaux of Horticulture and Plantation Crops [1947]
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中文图书20.A conspectus of aphids as vectors of plant viruses / SB 945.A5 K35c 1962
可借复本:1 by J.S. Kennedy, M.F. Day, and V.F. Eastop.
Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, c1962.
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