中文图书1.The genetics of garden plants / 3rd ed. 575.1/C85.3
可借复本:2 by M.B. Crane and W.J.C. Lawrence ; With a foreword by Sir Daniel Hall.
Macmillan and Co., 1947.
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中文图书2.Chromosomes and plant-breeding / SB123
可借复本:1 by C.D. Darlington ; with a foreword by Sir Daniel Hall.
Macmillian and Co., 1932.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书3.The technique of field experiments / 631.42/H14
可借复本:3 sir A.D. Hall.
Rothamsted Experimental Station, 1931.
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中文图书4.The feeding of crops and stock : an introduction to the science of the nutrition of plants and anima 631.811/H14
可借复本:1 by sir A.D. Hall.
J. Murray, 1911.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书5.Fertilisers and manures / 2nd ed. 631.8/H14A#1
可借复本:1 by A. Daniel Hall.
John Murray, 1921.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书6.The scientific principles of plant protection / 632/M364
可借复本:2 by Hubert Martin ; with a foreword by Sir Daniel Hall.
Longmans, Green, 1928.
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中文图书7.Fertilisers and manures / 3rd ed., rev. and enl. 631.8/H14
可借复本:1 by Sir A. Daniel Hall.
E.P. Dutton, 1929.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书8.The genetics of garden plants / 575.1/C85.2
可借复本:2 by M.B. Crane and W.J.C. Lawrence ; With a foreword by Sir Daniel Hall.
Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1938.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书9.The genetics of garden plants / 575.1/C85
可借复本:1 by M.B. Crane and W.J.C. Lawrence ; With a foreword by Sir Daniel Hall.
Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1934.
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中文图书10.Fertilisers and manures / 631.8/H14A
可借复本:1 by A.D. Hall.
John Murray, 1909.
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中文图书11.The feeding of crops and stock : an introduction to the science of the nutrition of plants and anima 631.811/H14.3
可借复本:6 A.D. Hall ; revised by dr. W.G. Ogg.
J. Murray [1944]
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