西文图书1.Progress in immunology;1st international congress of immunology / R371-53/ICI/(1971)
可借复本:1 edited by Bernard Amos
Academic Pr., 1971
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西文图书2.Progress in immunology III : proceedings of the Third International Congress of Immunology, Sydney, R371-53/ICI/(1977)/V.3
可借复本:1 International Congress of Immunology
Australian Academy of Science, 1977.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Bacterial endotoxins and host response : proceedings of the ... / R99-53/ICI/(1980)
可借复本:1 M.K. Agarwal, editor.
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press ; 1980.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Progress in immunology V / R371-53/ICI/(1983)
可借复本:1 edited by Y. Yamamura & T. Tada.
Academic, 1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Progress in immunology II /ed. by Leslie Brent, John Holborow. R371-53/ICI/(1974)/V.4
可借复本:1 International Congress of Immunology
North-Holland Publishing Company, 1974.
(0) 馆藏