中文图书1.物理光学基础.第4版 336.4/3447, O436/21(4)
可借复本:1 F.A.Jenkins, H.E White著
商务印书馆 1956
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西文图书2.Physics for students of science & engineering : Mechanics and sound / 8th rev. ed. O4/DAW/(8)
可借复本:2 by A. Wilmer Duff. Wave motion and light by Percival Lewis, rev. by F. A. Jenkins. Heat by Charles E
Blakiston, c1937.
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西文图书3.Fundamentals of optics / 4th ed. O43/JFA/(4)
可借复本:2 Francis A. Jenkins, Harvey E. White.
McGraw-Hill, c1976.
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