中文图书1.Abstract bibliography of cotton breeding and genetics : 1900-1950 / 633.51/K747
可借复本:1 by R.L. Knight.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, 1954.
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西文图书2.Dictionary of genetics : including terms used in cytology, animal breeding and evolution / R/575.1/K747
可借复本:6 edited by R.L. Knight.
Chronica Botanica Co., 1948.
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中文图书3.Abstract bibliography of fruit breeding and genetics to 1960 : Malus and Pyrus / 016.634/K743A
可借复本:1 by R.L. Knight.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1963.
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中文图书4.Abstract bibliography of fruit breeding and genetics to 1955 : rubus and Ribes, a survey / 016.634/K743
可借复本:1 by R.L. Knight and Elizabeth Keep.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1958.
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