中文图书1.税制改革的政治经济学 F810.422/4
可借复本:0 (美) 高峻伊东, 安恩·克鲁杰编
中国人民大学出版社 2001
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西文图书2.The political economy of agricultural price intervention in Latin America / F373.05/KAO
可借复本:1 Anne O. Krueger, Maurice Schiff, and Alberto Vald鈋s ; in collaboration with Jorge Quiroz.
ICS Press, c1992.
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西文图书3.Development with trade : LDCs and the international economy / F74/DTL
可借复本:1 edited by Anne O. Krueger.
ICS Press, c1988.
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西文图书4.Swimming against the tide : Turkish trade reform in the 1980s / F753.740/KAO
可借复本:2 Anne O. Krueger and Okan H. Aktan.
ICS Press, c1992.
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