西文图书1.Second Consultation of the Regional Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia FAO/F313-53/NDA:2/(1995)
可借复本:0 Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific. Consultation
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, [1995]
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Report of the annual meeting of the Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia FAO/F313-53/NDA/(1992)
可借复本:0 Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific. Meeting
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1993.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Report of the Regional Cooperative Experts Meeting on Computerization to Promote Agricultural Cooper FAO/F330.4-39/RCE/(2004)
可借复本:0 Regional Cooperative Experts Meeting on Computerization to Promote Agricultural Cooperative Enterpri
FAO Regional Officefor Asia and the Pacific ; c2004.
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西文图书4.Report of the first meeting of the Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia FAO/F313-53/NDA/(1991)
可借复本:0 Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific. Meeting
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1993.
(0) 馆藏