中文图书1.化学键的本质 O641.1/5
可借复本:1 (美) 鲍林著
北京大学出版社 2020
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西文图书2.General chemistry : an introduction to descriptive chemistry and modern chemical theory / O6/PL
可借复本:1 Linus Pauling ; illus. by Roger Hayward.
s.n.], 1948.
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中文图书3.癌与维生素C R730.53/4
可借复本:0 (美) 鲍林, (美) 卡梅伦著
科学普及出版社 1987
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中文图书4.College chemistry : an introductory textbook of general chemistry / 540/P284
可借复本:2 by Linus Pauling ; illus. by Roger Hayward.
W.H. Freeman, 1950.
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西文图书5.Chemistry / O6/PLC
可借复本:3 Linus Pauling, Peter Pauling.
W.H. Freeman, c1975.
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中文图书6.Introduction to quantum mechanics : with applications to chemistry / 530.1/P284
可借复本:1 by Linus Pauling and E. Bright Wilson.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1935.
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中文图书7.The nature of the chemical bond, and the structure of molecules and crystals : an introduction to mo 547/P284
可借复本:2 by Linus Pauling.
Cornell University Press, 1945.
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西文图书8.Cancer and vitamin C : a discussion of the nature, causes, prevention, and treatment of cancer with R73/CE
可借复本:1 Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling.
Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, c1979.
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中文图书9.General chemistry : an introduction to descriptive chemistry and modern chemical theory / 540/P281
可借复本:3 Linus Pauling ; illus. by Roger Hayward.
W.H. Freeman ; 1947.
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中文图书10.The nature of the chemical bond and the structure of molecules and crystals : an introduction to mod 546/P328.3
可借复本:2 by Linus Pauling.
Cornell University Press, 1960.
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中文图书11.Molecular structure and biological specificity : a symposium sponsored by the Office of Naval Resear 541.22/P328
可借复本:3 Edited by Linus Pauling and Harvey A. Itano.
American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1957.
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中文图书12.普通化学 340/4429
可借复本:2 Linus Pauling原著
龙门联合书局 1950
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中文图书13.普通化学 340/4429/C11
可借复本:2 Linus Pauling原著
龙门联合书局 1950
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