西文图书1.Methods for the determination of vitamins in food, recommended by COST 91 / TS201.24/MDV
可借复本:3 edited by G. Brubacher, W. Muller-MulotandD.A.T. Southgate.
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, c1985.
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西文图书2.Food composition data : production, management, and use / 2nd ed. TX531
可借复本:1 by H. Greenfield and D.A.T. Southgate.
FAO, 2003.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.First supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The composition of foods : amino acids, mg per 100 g foo TS201.2-64/PAA
可借复本:1 by A. A. Paul, D. A. T. Southgate, and J. Russell.
H. M. Stationery Off. ; 1980.
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西文图书4.Dietary fibre and related substances / TS201.4/JIT
可借复本:1 I.T. Johnson and D.A.T. Southgate.
Chapman & Hall, 1994.
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西文图书5.McCance and Widdowson's The composition of foods. 4th rev. and extended ed. of MRC Special report no TS201.2/PAA/(4)
可借复本:3 McCance, R. A.
H.M. Stationery Off. ; 1978.
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