西文图书1.Proceedings of the world symposium on applied solar energy / TK51-53/WSA
可借复本:2 sponsored by the Association for Applied Solor Energy, Stanford Research Institute and the Universit
Stanford Research Institute, c1956.
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中文图书2.High temperature technology : proceedings of an International Symposium on High Temperature Technolo 536.57/P963
可借复本:1 organized and directed by Stanford Research Institute, held at the Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Californ
Butterworths, 1964.
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西文图书3.SOVMOD I : a macroeconometric model of the Soviet Union / F151.2/GDW
可借复本:1 Donald W. Green, Christopher I. Higgins.
Issued by Crane, Russak for the Strategic Studies Center of the Stanford Research Institute : distri 1977.
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