西文图书1.Breeding insect resistant crops for sustainable agriculture / S433/BIR/ED-11
可借复本:1 Ramesh Arora, Surinder Sandhu, editors.
Springer Nature, c2017.
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西文图书2.Insect pests of farm, garden, and orchard / 5th ed. 632.7/P311.5, S433/DRH/(5)
可借复本:5 by Leonard Marion Peairs and Ralph Howard Davidson.
Wiley, [1956].
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西文图书3.Advanced technologies for managing insect pests / S433/ATM/ED-11
可借复本:1 Isaac Ishaaya, Subba Reddy Palli, A. Rami Horowitz, editors.
Springer, c2012.
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中文图书4.Common pests : how to control some of the pests that affect man's health, happiness and welfare / 595.7/D65
可借复本:1 by Rennie W. Doane.
C.C. Thomas, 1931.
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中文图书5.Field crop entomology / 632.7/W571
可借复本:1 by Don B. Whelan.
Planographed by John S. Swift Co., Inc., [c1938]
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西文图书6.Area-wide control of insect pests : from research to field implementation / S433/AWC
可借复本:1 edited by M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson, J. Hendrichs.
Springer, c2007.
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中文图书7.Biology of the leaf miners / 595.724/H424#1
可借复本:1 by E. Martin Hering.
W. Junk, 1951.
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西文图书8.Insects of stored products/ S379.5/RDP
可借复本:1 David Rees ; with photographs by Vanna Rangsi.
CSIRO Pub. ; c2004.
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中文图书9.Agricultural insects of Ghana : a list of insects recorded in Ghana on field crops and stored produc SB919.G5
可借复本:1 compiled by John Forsyth.
Ghana Universities Press, 1966.
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西文图书10.Migrant pests : progress, problems and potentialities / S433-53/MPP
可借复本:2 organized and edited by the late R.C. Rainey ... [et al.].
The Royal Society, 1990.
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中文图书11.Insect pests of farm, garden and orchard / 3rd ed. rev. and enl. 632.7/SA56P3
可借复本:1 by E. Dwight Sanderson.
J. Wiley & Sons, 1931.
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中文图书12.Les insectes nuisibles aux plantes cultivees : leurs moeurs, leur destruction, traite d'entomologie 632.7/B18
可借复本:3 par A. Balachowsky ... [et al.].
[Imprime sur les Presses des Etablissements Busson, sous la direction technique de L. Mery], 1935-36.
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中文图书13.Insects in relation to plant disease / 632.7/C325
可借复本:5 Walter Carter.
Interscience Publishers, 1962.
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中文图书14.Pests of stored grain and grain products / 632.7/C829P
可借复本:1 Richard Thomas Cotton.
Burgess Pub. Co., 1956.
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西文图书15.Insect pest management / 2nd ed. S433/DD/(2)
可借复本:1 D. Dent.
CABI Publishing, c2000.
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中文图书16.Fundamentals of applied entomology / 632.7/P523
可借复本:4 edited by Robert E. Pfadt.
MacMillan, 1962.
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中文图书17.The insect menace / 632.7/H834
可借复本:1 by L.O. Howard.
The Century Co., [c1931]
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中文图书18.Insect pests of farm, garden, and orchard / 4th ed. 632.7/P311.4
可借复本:1 by Leonard Marion Peairs.
J. Wiley & Sons ; 1941.
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中文图书19.Meadow and pasture insects / 595.7/OS1M
可借复本:1 by Herbert Osborn ; assisted by Mrs. Dorothy J. Knull, PH.D.
The Educators' Press, c1939.
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中文图书20.Insects of citrus and other subtropical fruits / 595.7/Q29
可借复本:1 by Henry J. Quayle.
Comstock Publishing Company, inc., 1938.
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