西文图书1.Evaluation for sustainable land management in the developing world : proceedings of the Internati... F301.2-53/IWE/(1991)
可借复本:2 International Workshop on Evaluation for Sustainable Land Management
International Board for Soil Research and Management, [1991].
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Soil surveys and land use planning / F301.2-53/BLJ
可借复本:1 edited by L.J. Bartelli ... [et al.].
Soil Science Society of America, 1966.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书3.新疆土地资源承载力 F127.45-53/1/V.2
可借复本:0 中国科学院新疆资源开发综合考察队
科学出版社 1989
(0) 馆藏