中文图书1.帝国茶园:茶的印度史 TS971.21/77
可借复本:2 罗龙新著
华中科技大学出版社 2020
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中文图书2.大吉岭的盛名:印度公平贸易茶种植园的劳作与公正:labor and justice on fair-trade tea plantations in... F335.161/1
可借复本:2 (美) 萨拉·贝斯基著
清华大学出版社 2019
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西文图书3.Economic efficiency of maize production / F335.161/SA/ED-11
可借复本:1 Arti Sharma, Jyoti Kachroo, Anil Bhat.
Astral International Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
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西文图书4.Economics of dairy farming : a micro analysis / F335.163/DGS/ED-11
可借复本:1 Gauri Shanker Dokania, Manisha Dokania.
Satyam Publishing House, 2012.
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西文图书5.Forecasting crop output : use of a predictive supply model for kharif foodgrains in India / S165.27/BSL
可借复本:1 S.L. Bapna, K.R. Rao.
Oxford & IBH, 1984.
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西文图书6.Improving income and nutrition by incorporating mungbean in cereal fallows in the Indo-Gangetic Plai F335.161-53/IIN
可借复本:1 S. Shanmugasundaram, technical editor..
AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, c2004.
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西文图书7.Raising cane : the political economy of sugar in western India / F335.161/ADW
可借复本:1 Donald W. Attwood.
Westview Press, c1992.
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西文图书8.Dairy aid and development : India's operation flood / F335.163/DAD
可借复本:1 Martin Doornbos ... [et al.].
Sage Publications, 1990.
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西文图书9.Rice production, potential and constraints : a case study of productivity backward region / F335.16/KGS
可借复本:1 G.S. Kainth & P.L. Mehra.
Inter-India Publications, 1985.
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西文图书10.Incentives for Joint Forest Management in India : analytical methods and case studies / F335.162/HI
可借复本:2 I. Hill, D. Shields.
World Bank, c1998.
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西文图书11.Livestock-crop production systems and livelihood development / F335.16/MRK
可借复本:1 R.K. Mishra.
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, c2007.
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西文图书12.Some economic and management aspects of a non-wood forest product in India : tendu leaves / F335.16/GT
可借复本:1 Tirath Gupta, Amar Guleria.
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., c1982.
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