西文图书1.Glossary of chemical terms / O61-61/HCA
可借复本:2 Clifford A. Hampel and Gessner G. Hawley.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1976.
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中文图书2.俄中英无机化合物名词 O61-61/1
可借复本:1 中国科学院编译局编订
科学出版社 1956
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西文图书3.Comprehensive inorganic chemistry. Vol. 1, H, Noble gases, Group IA , Group IIA, Group IIIB, C and S O61-62/BJC/V.1
可借复本:1 editorial board, J.C. Bailar Jr., H.J. Emel倁s, Sir Ronald Nyholm [and] A.F. Trotman-Dickenson (exec
Pergamon Press ; 1973.
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西文图书4.Nomenclature of inorganic chemistry : recommendations 1990 / O61-61/NIC
可借复本:1 Issued by the commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry and edited by G.J. Leigh.
Blackwell Scientific Pub., c1990.
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