西文图书1.Wind and solar energy :proceedings of the New Delhi symposium = energie solaire et eolienne : actes TK81-53/UNE
可借复本:1 UNESCO
UNESCO, 1956.
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西文图书2.Wind energy applications for rural areas : proceedings of the 1986 Workshop of the European Cooperat TK81-53/WEC/(1986)
可借复本:1 editors, K. Kocsis, Helge Petersen.
Riso National Laboratory, 1987.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.EPRI conference proceedings : solar and wind power--1982 status and outlook, Biltmore Plaza Hotel, P TK511-53/EPR
可借复本:1 coordinated by the University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Applied Energy Research and Publi
Electric power research institute, c1983.
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