西文图书1.Environmental engineering : proceedings of the 1985 specialty conference : Northeastern Universit... X5-53/NCE/(1985)
可借复本:1 sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in...
ASCE, c1985.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书2.Pollution in the urban environment : POLMET 85 / X5-53/PUE
可借复本:0 edited by M.W.H. Chan ... [et al.].
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, c1985.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书3.Proceedings of the Pollution Research Conference : Wairakei, New Zealand 20-21 June 1973. X5-53/PRC/(1973)
可借复本:1 Pollution Research Conference
New Zealand Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1973.
(0) 馆藏 -
中文图书4.地球化学工程学:21世纪的环保产业 X5-53/1
可借复本:3 Simon P. Vriend等编著
地质出版社 2001
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书5.Control of hazardous material spills : proceedings of the 1978 National Conference on Control of Haz X5-53/NCC/(1978)
可借复本:1 sponsored by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Coast Guard; Hazardous Materials Control Res
Information Transfer, 1978.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书6.The pollution reader : based on the national conference on "Pollution and our environment" / X5-53/PRB
可借复本:1 compiled by Anthony Devos ... [et al.].
Harvest House, c1968.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书7.Pollution : causes, effects and control / X5-53/PCE
可借复本:1 edited by Roy M. Harrison.
The Royal Society of Chemistry, c1983.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书8.Science and public policy III / G327.12-53/SPP
可借复本:1 edited by Frances S. Sterrett.
New York Academy of Sciences, 1983.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书9.Environmental engineering : proceedings of the 1989 specialty conference / X5-53/NCE/(1989)
可借复本:1 sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in co
The Society, c1989.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书10.Protection de l'environnement, prevention des nuisances et developpement des industries agro-aliment X5-53/PEP
可借复本:1 souslepatronage du, Ministere de L'Agriculture.
Diffusion, [1983?].
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书11.Veterinary medicines in the environment : from the SETAC Pellston Workshop on Veterinary Medicines i X5-53/SET/(2006)
可借复本:1 edited by Mark Crane, Alistair B.A. Boxall, Katie Barrett.
SETAC ; c2009.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书12.Changing metal cycles and human health : report of the ... / X5-53/CMC
可借复本:1 J.O. Nriagu, editor ; rapporteurs, M.O. Andreae ... [et al.] ; program advisory committee, D.F. Horn
Springer-Verlag, 1984.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书13.Measurement, detection and control of environmental pollutants : proceedings of the Symposium, held X5-53/ISD/(1976)
可借复本:2 International Symposium on the Development of Nuclear-based techniques for the Measurement, Detectio
IAEA., 1976.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书14.Restoring the quality of our environment : report of the environmental pollution panel president's s X5-53/USP
可借复本:1 United States.
The White House, 1965.
(0) 馆藏 -
中文图书15.中国寒区旱区环境与工程科学50年 X5-53/2
可借复本:1 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所组编
科学出版社 2009
(0) 馆藏