西文图书1.Catalogue of publications : Fonds-catalogus. Verlags-catalog. Livres de fonds / R/O165/J96
可借复本:1 W. Junk, uitgeverij, 1899-1939.
[s.n.], 1939.
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西文图书2.The English catalogue of books : giving in one alphabet, under author, subject and title, the size, R/015.42/EN36
可借复本:1 edited by James D. Stewart.
The Publishers' Circular, Limited, [1956]
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西文图书3.Books in print supplement 1978-1979 : authors, titles, subjects / Z85/BPS/(1978-79)
可借复本:1 prepared by R.R. Bowker Company's Department of Bibliography in collaboration with its Publication S
R.R. Bowker Co., c1979.
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