西文图书1.Ciliate atlas : species found in the South China Sea / Q959.117-64/CAS
可借复本:1 chief editors, Xiaozhong Hu, Xiaofeng Lin, Weibo Song.
Science Press, c2019.
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西文图书2.Ciliophora : Oligohymenophora and polyhymenophora. Keys and notes for the identification of the free Q959.117/CCR/V.2.
可借复本:1 McL. Roberts, David.
Published for The Linnean Society of London and The Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Associatio 1982-1983.
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中文图书3.The ciliated protozoa : characterization, classification, and guide to the literature / 593.17/C696
可借复本:1 John O. Corliss.
Pergamon Press, 1961.
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西文图书4.The ciliated protozoa : characterization, classification, and guide to the literature / 2d ed. Q959.117/CJO/(2)
可借复本:1 John O. Corliss.
Pergamon Press, 1979.
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