中文图书1.Controlled thermonuclear reactions : an introduction to theory and experiment / 539.75/G549
可借复本:1 by Samuel Glasstone and Ralph H. Lovberg.
Van Nostrand, 1960.
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西文图书2.Plasma physics and the problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions / TL61/PPP
可借复本:5 Responsible editor: M.A. Leontovich ; translated from the Russian by A.J.Meadows, D.L.Allan, N.Kemme
Pergamon Press, 1959.
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中文图书3.An introduction to thermonuclear research : a series of lectures given in 1955 / 536.4/SI53
可借复本:2 Albert Simon.
Pergamon Press, 1959.
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西文图书4.Fire from ice : searching for the truth behind the cold fusion furor / O571.44/MEF
可借复本:1 by Eugene F. Mallove.
J. Wiley, c1991.
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中文图书5.Plasma physics and thermonuclear research. V. 1 / 539.7/L856
可借复本:1 editors C. Longmire, James L. Tuck, W.B. Thompson.
Pergamon Press, 1959.
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