西文图书1.The cockatrice boys / I561.45/AJ
可借复本:1 Joan Aiken.
A Tom Doherty Associates Books, 2002.
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西文图书2.Differential equations and applications in ecology, epidemics, and population problems : proceedings Q14-53/DEA
可借复本:1 edited by Stavros N. Busenberg, Kenneth L. Cooke.
Academic Press, 1981.
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中文图书3.The genesis of epidemics and the natural history of disease : an introduction to the science of epid 616/G41
可借复本:1 by Clifford Allchin Gill.
Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1928.
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西文图书4.Out of control. Q14/OC
可借复本:2 Golden, Lilly.
Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group, 2006.
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