西文图书1.A bibliography of eugenics / R/016.757/H75
可借复本:1 by Samuel J. Holmes.
University of California press, 1924.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Nature and man's fate / Q11/HGJ
可借复本:1 by Garrett Hardin.
The New American LIbrary, c1959.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书3.Applied eugenics / Rev. ed. 575.1/P811
可借复本:1 by Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson,
The Macmillan company, 1933.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Natural selection, heredity, and eugenics : including selected correspondence of R.A. Fisher with Le Q3/FRA
可借复本:1 edited with an introduction by J.H. Bennett.
Clarendon Press ; 1983.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书5.Genetics and eugenics : a text-book for students of biology and a reference book for animal and plan 575.1/C353.4
可借复本:3 by W.E. Castle.
Harvard University Press ; 1930.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书6.Principles of genetics / 4th ed. 575.1/SI66
可借复本:2 by Edmund W. Sinnott, L.C. Dunn [and] Th. Dobzhansky.
McGraw-Hill, 1950.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书7.Nature and nurture / 613.9/H679
可借复本:1 by Hogben Lancelot ; being the William Withering memorial lectures on "The methods of clinical genet
G. Allen & Unwin ltd., 1939.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书8.Evolution, genetics and eugenics / 3rd ed. 575/N464A
可借复本:4 by Horatio Hackett Newman.
The University of Chicago Press, [1938]
(0) 馆藏
中文图书9.Principles of genetics : an elementary text, with problems / 575.1/SI66.1
可借复本:1 by Edmund W. Sinnott and L.C. Dunn.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1925.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书10.Genetics and eugenics : a text-book for students of biology and a reference book for animal and plan 575.1/C279
可借复本:1 by W.E. Castle.
Harvard University Press ; 1924.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书11.Principles of genetics / 3rd ed. 575.1/SI66A
可借复本:2 by Edmund W. Sinnott and L.C. Dunn.
McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1939.
(0) 馆藏