西文图书1.Fishing boat designs. 3, Small trawlers / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.188.3
可借复本:1 prepared by John F. Fyson.
FAO., 1980.
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西文图书2.Fishing boat construction: 3, Building a ferrocement fishing boat / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.354.3
可借复本:1 by Richard O. N. Riley and Jeremy M. M. Turner.
FAO., 1995.
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西文图书3.The use of ice on small fishing vessels / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.436
可借复本:1 by Michael Shawyer and Avilio F. Medina Pizzali.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c2003.
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西文图书4.Fishing boat designs. 2, V-bottom boats of planked and plywood construction / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.134/REV.1
可借复本:1 by Oyvind Gulbrandsen.
FAO., 1997.
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西文图书5.Fishery boat designs. 4, Small steel fishing boats / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.239
可借复本:1 prepared by David J. Eyres.
FAO., 1984.
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西文图书6.Fishing boat designs. 2, V-bottom boats of planked plywood construction / [2nd rev. ed.] FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.134/REV.2
可借复本:1 Oyvind Gulbrandsen.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004.
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西文图书7.Fishing boat construction. 2, Building a fibreglass fishing boat / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.321.2
可借复本:1 prepared by Ned Coackley.
FAO., 1991.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书8.Definition and classification of fishery vessel types / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.267
可借复本:1 compiled by Fishery Information Data andstatisticsServices and Fishing Technology Service FAO Fis...
FAO., 1985.
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西文图书9.Freezing and refrigerated storage in fisheries / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.340
可借复本:1 by W. A. Johnston ... [et al.].
FAO., 1994.
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西文图书10.Fishing boat construction. 1, Building a sawn-frame fishing boat / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.96/REV.1
可借复本:1 prepared by John F. Fyson.
FAO., 1988.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.Fishing boat construction: 3, Building a ferrocement fishing boat / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.354.3
可借复本:0 by Richard O. N. Riley and Jeremy M. M. Turner.
FAO., 1995.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书12.Implementation guidelines on part B of the Code, the voluntary guidelines and the safety recommen... FAO/S972.7/IGP
可借复本:1 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ; 2014.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书13.Fuel savings for small fishing vessels : a manual / FAO/S972.7/GO
可借复本:1 Oyvind Gulbrandsen.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书14.Safety recommendations for decked fishing vessels of less than 12 metres in length and undecked fish FAO/S972.7/SRD
可借复本:2 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012.
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西文图书15.Engineering applications. 3, hydraulics for small fishing vessels / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.296
可借复本:1 compiled by Daniel Czekaj.
FAO., 1989.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书16.Fishing fleet profiling methodology / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.423
可借复本:1 by Jocelyne Ferraris.
FAO., 2002.
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西文图书17.Fishing boat construction. 4, Building an undecked fibreglass reinforced plastic boat / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.507
可借复本:1 by Thomas Anmarkrud.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.
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西文图书18.Safety practices related to small fishing vessel stability / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.517
可借复本:2 by Ari Gudmundsson.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.
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西文图书19.Study on safety at sea for small-scale fisheries. 1, South west Indian Ocean / FAO/S9/FAO:2/V.1024.1
可借复本:0 by Joel Nageon de Lestang.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2007.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书20.Voluntary guidelines for the design, construction and equipment of small fishing vessels 2005. 2nd e FAO/X954/VGD/(2)
可借复本:1 International Maritime Organization.
International Maritime Organization, 2006.
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