西文图书1.Game theory /
可借复本:0 Michael Maschler, Eilon Solan, Shmuel Zamir ; translated from Hebrew by Ziv Hellman ; English edi...
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西文图书2.Chance, strategy, and choice : an introduction to the mathematics of games and elections /
可借复本:0 Samuel Bruce Smith, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
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西文图书3.An introduction to decision theory / Second edition.
可借复本:0 Martin Peterson, Texas A & M University.
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西文图书4.Game theory / O225/FD
可借复本:2 Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole.
世界图书出版有限公司, 2019.
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西文图书5.Dynamic game and its application in next-generation wireless and communication networks / TN926/XHT
可借复本:2 Haitao Xu ... et al. = 动态博弈及其在下一代无线通信网络中的应用 / 许海涛等著.
Southwest Jiaotong University Press, 2019.
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西文图书6.Linear inequalities and related systems / O151.25/LIR
可借复本:1 G. B. Dantzig ... [et al.] ; ed. by Harold W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker.
Princeton University Press, 1956.
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西文图书7.Applied abstract analysis / O17/AJP
可借复本:1 Jean-Pierre Aubin ; exercises by Bernard Cornet and Herve Moulin ; translated by Carole Labrousse.
Wiley, 1977.
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西文图书8.Mathematical methods and theory in games, programming, and economics / O225/KS
可借复本:4 Samuel Karlin.
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1959.
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西文图书9.Game theory : mathematical models of conflict / O225/JAJ
可借复本:1 A. J. Jones.
E. Horwood ; c1980.
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西文图书10.Game theory : mathematical models of conflict /
可借复本:0 A. J. Jones.
E. Horwood ; 1980.
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西文图书11.Game theory and its applications / O225-53/AMS/(1979)
可借复本:0 [edited by William F. Lucas].
American Mathematical Society, 1981.
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西文图书12.Optimization problems / O224/CL
可借复本:0 L. Collatz, W. Wetterling ; translated by P. Wadsack.
Springer-Verlag, 1975.
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西文图书13.Markets, games & strategic behavior / F0/HCA
可借复本:2 Charles A. Holt = 市场、博弈和策略行为 / 查尔斯·A. 霍尔特著.
格致出版社, 2010.
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西文图书14.Fixed point theorems with applications to economics and game theory / O177.91/BKC
可借复本:2 Kim C. Border.
世界图书出版公司, 2009.
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西文图书15.Optimal control theory and economic analysis / O29-53/VWE
可借复本:1 First Viennese Workshop on Economic Applications of Control Theory, held in Vienna, Oct. 28-30, 1981
North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1982.
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中文图书16.Contributions to the theory of games. V. 4 / 519/T891
可借复本:1 edited by H.W. Kuhn and A.W. Tucker.
Princeton University Press, 1950-59.
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中文图书17.The theory of games and linear programming / 515.61/V21
可借复本:1 [by] S. Vajda.
Methuen & Co., 1967.
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西文图书18.Competitive economics : equilibrium and arbitration / F038.2/KKH
可借复本:1 Ki Hang Kim and Fred W. Roush.
North-Holland Pub. Co. ; c1983.
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西文图书19.Game theory and related topics : proceedings of the Seminar on Game Theory and Related Topics, Bonn/ O225-53/SGT/(1978)
可借复本:1 managing editors, O. Moeschlin, D. Pallaschke.
North-Holland Pub. Co. ; 1979.
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西文图书20.Games, theory, and applications / O225/TLC
可借复本:1 L.C. Thomas.
E. Horwood, 1984.
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