西文图书1.Fundamentals of satellite remote sensing : an environmental approach / Third edition.
可借复本:0 Emilio Chuvieco.
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西文图书2.One planet, many people : atlas of our changing environment. X21-64/OPM
可借复本:2 Singh, Ashbindu.
UNEP, 2005.
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中文图书3.Contemporary ecology research in China = 当代中国生态学研究 / Q14/CER
可借复本:2 editor-om-chief, Wenhua Li.
Higher Education Press ; 2016.
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西文图书4.World economic and social survey 2009 : promoting development, saving the planet / P467/WES
可借复本:0 Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
United Nations, c2009.
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西文图书5.Taking sides. Clashing views on global issues = 立场 : 辩证思维训练. 全球问题篇 / 7th ed. C913/TSC/(7)
可借复本:2 James E. Harf, Mark Owen Lombardi编.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014.
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西文图书6.Terrestrial ecosystem ecology : principles and applications / 1st ed. Q148/AGI/ED-11
可借复本:1 Göran Ågren, Folke O. Andersson.
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
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西文图书7.Critical transitions in nature and society / Q146/SM/ED-11
可借复本:1 Marten Scheffer.
Princeton University Press, c2009.
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西文图书8.Stable isotopes as indicators of ecological change / 1st ed. Q5-3/SII/ED-11
可借复本:1 edited by Todd E. Dawson, Rolf T.W. Siegwolf.
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007.
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