中文图书1.Colony-founding among ants : with an account of some primitive australian species / 595.796/W569C
可借复本:1 by William Morton Wheeler.
Harvard university press, 1933.
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中文图书2.A monograph of the British phytophagous Hymenoptera / 595.793/C146
可借复本:4 By Peter Cameron.
Printed for the Ray Society, 1882-93.
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中文图书3.Mosaics and other anomalies among ants / QL 568 W564m 1937
可借复本:1 by William Morton Wheeler.
Harvard University Press, 1937.
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中文图书4.Comparative external morphology, phylogeny, and a classification of the bees (Hymenoptera) / QL566
可借复本:1 Charles Duncan Michener.
American Museum of Natural History, 1944.
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中文图书5.Nouvelle methode de classer les hymenopteres et les dipteres : avec figures / 595.79/J978
可借复本:1 par L. Jurine.
J.J. Paschoud, 1807.
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中文图书6.Pinacographia / 595.79/V92
可借复本:1 S.C. Snellen van Vollenhoven.
M. Nijhoff, 1880.
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西文图书7.Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British museum / R/016.5957/SM56
可借复本:7 by Frederick Smith.
Printed by order of the trustees, 1853-59.
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中文图书8.Hymenopterorum catalogus / QL566
可借复本:11 editus a H. Hedicke.
W. Junk, 1936-39.
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西文图书9.A review and an illustrated key to genera of encyrtidae (hymenoptera: chalcidoidea) from China = 中 Q969.54/ZY
可借复本:8 Zhang Yanzhou, Huang Dawei.
Science Press, c2004.
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西文图书10.The taxonomy, distribution and host preferences of Indo-Papuan parasitic Wasps of the subfamily Ophi Q969.544.8/GID:2
可借复本:2 by I.D. Gauld and P.A. Mitchell.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1981.
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