西文图书1.The geological evolution of North America : a regional approach to historical geology / P567.1/CTH
可借复本:1 Thomas H. Clark and Colin W. Stearn.
The Ronald Press Company, c1960.
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西文图书2.On being different : diversity and multiculturalism in the North American mainstream / 2nd ed. C912.4/KCP:3/(2)
可借复本:8 Conrad Phillip Kottak, Kathryn A. Kozaitis.
McGraw-Hill, c2003.
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中文图书3.The climates of North America / QC982.8
可借复本:1 by Robert De C. Ward, Charles F. Brooks and A.J. Connor.
Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger, 1936.
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西文图书4.North America : a geography of Canada and the United States / 4th ed. K971/PJH/(4)
可借复本:1 J.H. Paterson.
Oxford University Press, 1970, reprinted 1972
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西文图书5.Toward a North American common market : problems and prospects for a new economic community / F170.54/TNA
可借复本:1 edited by Charles F. Bonser ; with contributions by Randall Baker ... [et al.]
Westview Press, 1991.
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西文图书6.Climates of North America / P468.71/BRA
可借复本:1 edited by Reid A. Bryson, F. Kenneth Hare.
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1974.
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