西文图书1.Research on the mechanism of pear fruit texture changes = 梨果实质地变化机制研究 / S661.2/YSL
可借复本:2 杨绍兰著.
知识产权出版社, 2019.
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西文图书2.Pear pest management /The University of California. S436.612/PPM
可借复本:1 The University of California.
Agricultural Sciences Publications, c1978.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Pomologia / S6/KJH/ED-11
可借复本:1 Johann Hermann Knoop.
Congedo Publishing, [2009?]
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.The pear : production, post-harvest management and protection / S661.2/PPP/ED-11
可借复本:1 editors, R.M. Sharma, S.N. Pandey, V. Pandey.
IBDC Publishers, 2010.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.The Biology of apple and pear storage / TS255.3/FJC
可借复本:1 by J.C. Fidler ... [et al.].
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1973.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书6.Biology of apples and pears / S661/JJE
可借复本:1 John Jackson.
Cambridge University Press, 2003.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书7.Abstract bibliography of fruit breeding and genetics to 1960 : Malus and Pyrus / 016.634/K743A
可借复本:1 by R.L. Knight.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1963.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书8.Proceedings of the international pearl millet workshop / S515-53/IPM
可借复本:1 sponsored by USAID Title XII Collaborative ResearchSupportProgram on Sorghum and Pearl Millet (INTSO
ICRISAT., 1987.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书9.Sorghum and pearl millet disease identification handbook / S435.14/WRJ
可借复本:1 R.J. Williams, R.A. Frederiksen, J.-C. Girard.
ICRISAT., 1978.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书10.Pommes et poires = apples and pears. S661/OCD
可借复本:1 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
OCDE., 1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.The pear : culture, varieties, breeding, propagation, nutrition, pruning and training, diseases and S661.2/PR
可借复本:1 ed. by Tom van der Zwet and Norman F. Childers.
The Book Home, 1982.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书12.The pears of New York / S661.2/HUP
可借复本:1 by U.P. Hedrick.
J.B. Lyon Company, 1921.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书13.Pearl millet breeding / S515.03/PMB
可借复本:1 editors, I.S. Khairwal ...[et al.].
Science Publishers, c1999.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书14.Pear production / S661.2/PP
可借复本:1 by Max W. Williams ... [et al.] ; prepared by Science and Education Administration.
Dept. of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.Gov [1978]
(0) 馆藏
西文图书15.Pearl millet / S515/RKO:2
可借复本:1 Kenneth O. Rachie and J. V. Majmudar.
Pennsylvania State University Press, c1980.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书16.Compendium of apple and pear diseases / S436.61/CAP
可借复本:1 edited by A.L. Jones, H.S. Aldwinckle.
The American Phytopathological Society, c1990.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书17.Pearl oyster health management : a manual / FAO/S9-5/FAO/V.503
可借复本:1 by Melba G. Bondad-Reantaso, Sharon E. McGladdery and Franck C.J. Berthe.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2007.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书18.The pruning of apples and pears by renewal methods / 631.542/T371
可借复本:1 by C.R. Thompson.
Faber and Faber, [1949]
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西文图书19.China, the pearl and I / 1st ed. I522.65/ADI
可借复本:3 by Dalita I.Alex.
China Intercontinental Press, 2004.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书20.Virus diseases of apples and pears / 632.3/P855
可借复本:4 edited by A.F. Posnette.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1963.
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