西文图书1.Philippines : culture smart = 菲律宾 / K934.1/CJG
可借复本:2 Graham and Yvonne Colin-Jones 著 ; 杨扬,杨荣广注.
高等教育出版社 2017.
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西文图书2.Philippine agricultural and food policies : implications for poverty and income distribution / F334.1/CCB
可借复本:1 Caesar B. Cororaton and Erwin L. Corong.
International Food Policy Research Institute, c2009.
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西文图书3.Forest faces : hopes and regrets in Philippine forestry. FAO/S7/FFH
可借复本:1 FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific ; c2008.
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中文图书4.The Philippine problem / 991.4/AN24
可借复本:1 by Major Wm. H. Anderson.
G. P. Putnam's sons, 1939.
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