西文图书1.Getting the private sector to work for the public good : instruments for sustainable private sector F326.2/GPS
可借复本:1 Lu Wenming ... [et al.].
Earthprint, 2002.
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西文图书2.Have decollectivization and privatization contributed to sustainable forestry management and poverty FAO/S7/FPI/V.23
可借复本:2 Jinglong Liu, Zhao Lixia.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.
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西文图书3.Building public-private partnerships for agricultural innovation / F373/BPP
可借复本:1 Frank Hartwich ... [et al.].
International Food Policy Research Institute, c2008.
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西文图书4.Effective public-private partnership in the information technology sector : how to enhance business F272/EPP
可借复本:1 International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO.
International Trade Centre, 2003.
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