西文图书1.Biological effects of ultraviolet radiation / Q691/HW
可借复本:2 Walter Harm.
Cambridge University Press, 1980.
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西文图书2.Genetic effects of radiations / Q345/PCE
可借复本:1 by C.E. Purdom.
Academic Press, c1963.
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中文图书3.Die Wirkung mutierter Gene auf die Morphologie und Funktion pflanzlicher Organe : Dargestellt an str 581.13/G687
可借复本:1 von dr. Werner Gottschalk.
G. Fischer, 1964.
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中文图书4.Changing perspectives on the genetic effects of radiation / 575.1/N378
可借复本:3 by James V. Neel.
Thomas, [1963]
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中文图书5.Repair from genetic radiation damage and differential radiosensitivity in germ cells : 575.1/IN61
可借复本:2 proceedings of an international symposium held at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, August
Pergamon Press, 1963.
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