西文图书1.Isotope in Forschung und Produktion. TL26/IFP
可借复本:1 Germany (East).
Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie / 1961.
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西文图书2.Radioaktive Isotope in der Landwirtschaft / S124/MV
可借复本:1 prof. dr. Vaclav Myslivec.
Veb Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1960.
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西文图书3.Isotope in der Landwirtschaft : Methoden und Ergebnisse des Einsatzes radioaktiver und stabiler I... S124/LH
可借复本:1 von Hans Linser [und] Karl Kaindl.
Verlag Paul Parey, 1960.
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西文图书4.Principles of radioisotope methodology / 541.38/C386, O615/CGD
可借复本:2 by Grafton D.Chase ; with the cooperation of Joseph L. Rabinowitz.
Burgess Pub. Co., 1960.
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西文图书5.Electromagnetic separation of radioactive lsotopes : proceedings of the international symposium h... O571.32/VFP
可借复本:1 edited by M.J. Higatsberger and F.P. Viehbock.
Springer, 1961.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书6.A Conference on Radioactive Isotopes in Agriculture. S124/CRI
可借复本:1 Conference on Radioactive Isotopes in Agriculture
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1956.
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西文图书7.Applications of atomic science in agriculture and food : Project no. 396. S124/AAS/V.1
可借复本:0 European Productivity Agency.
European Productivity Agency of the Organisation for European Economic C0-operation, 1958.
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西文图书8.Radioisotopes : a new tool for industry / O615/JS
可借复本:0 by Sidney Jefferson ; with a foreword by Henry Seligman.
George Newnes Ltd., 1957.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书9.Radioisotopes in scientific research : proceedings / O615.2/ICR/V.1
可借复本:0 edited by R.C. Extermann.
Pergamon Press, 1958.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书10.Isotope and radiation techniques in soil physics and irrigation studies 1973 : Proceedings. S124-53/IAE/(1973)
可借复本:3 Symposium on Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Studies of Soil Physics, Irrigation, and Drainag...
International Atomic Energy Agency, 1974.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.Soil-moisture and irrigation studies II : proceedings / S152.7-53/IAE/(1970)
可借复本:2 Organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic EnergyinFood and Agriculture.
International Atomic Energy Agency [Distributed in U.S. by UNIPUB, Inc., New York], 1973.
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西文期刊12.The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes. O4/IJA
Pergamon Press, 1956-1985.
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西文期刊13.Radioisotopes. O61/RS
可借复本:39 Japan Radioistope Association
Nihon H?oshasei D?oi Genso Ky?okai, [1952-
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西文图书14.Radioisotope and radiation physics : an introduction / O571.3/MM
可借复本:1 [by] M. Mladjenovie. Translated by Sonja Suboti.
Academic Press, 1973.
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中文图书15.Decay schemes of radioactive nuclei / 539.752/D969
可借复本:1 [by] B.S. Dzhelepov and L.K. Peker. Translation editor: D.L. Allan.
Pergamon Press ; 1958.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书16.Radioisotope studies of fatty acid metabolism / 574.19/M479
可借复本:2 by J.F. Mead and D.R. Howton.
Pergamon, 1960.
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中文图书17.Radioactive isotopes in clinical practice / RC91
可借复本:1 Edith H. Quimby, Sergei Feitelberg [and] Solomon Silver.
Lea & Febiger, 1958.
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西文图书18.Isotopes and radiation in agricultural sciences / S124/IRA
可借复本:2 edited by M.F. L'Annunziata and J.O. Legg.
Academic Press, 1984.
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西文图书19.Short-lived radionuclides in chemistry andbiology / Q691-53/ACS
可借复本:1 John W. Root, editor, Kenneth A. Krohn, editor
American Chemistry Society, 1981.
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中文图书20.Applications of atomic science in agriculture and food : Project no. 396. 630.23/OR68
可借复本:10 European Productivity Agency.
The European Productivity Agency of the Organisation for European Economic Co-Operation, 1958-
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