西文图书1.A reforestation clean development mechanism project in Paraguay, implemented on the "beneficiary... S72/ME
可借复本:1 Eiji Matsubara.
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2014.
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西文图书2.Reforesting landscapes : linking pattern and process / S72/RLL/ED-11
可借复本:1 Harini Nagendra, Jane Southworth, editors.
Springer, c2010.
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西文图书3.Strategies and designs for afforestation, reforestation and tree planting : proceedings of an ... /K S7-53/ISO
可借复本:1 International Symposum on the Occasion of 100 Years of Forestry Education and Research in the Nether
Center for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation (Pudoc), 1984.
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