中文图书1.The alimentary tract of the ruminant / 599.73/B449
可借复本:2 by David Benzie and A.T. Phillipson.
Oliver and Boyd, c1957.
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西文图书2.An introduction to rumen studies / 1st ed. S823/CJW
可借复本:1 J.W. Czerkawski.
Pergamon Press, 1986.
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中文图书3.Digestive physiology and nutrition of the ruminant / 636.085/L672
可借复本:5 edited by D. Lewis.
Butterworths, 1961.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Physiology of digestion in the ruminant : papers presented at the second International Symposium on S823.1-53/ISP/(1964)
可借复本:1 edited by R.W. Dougherty ... [et al.].
Butterworths, 1965.
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中文图书5.Metabolism in the rumen / 599.735/AN77
可借复本:1 by E.F. Annison and D. Lewis.
Methuen ; 1959.
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中文图书6.Reactions in the rumen / 591.13/B261
可借复本:2 Adam John Guilbert Barnett and Robert Leslie Reid.
Arnold, 1961.
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西文图书7.Protein and energy supply for high production of milk and meat : proceedings of a symposium of the C S858.23-53/SCA
可借复本:2 Food and Agriculture Organization.
Published for the United Nations by Pergamon Press, 1982.
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西文图书8.Atlas of rumen microbiology / Q93-64/OK
可借复本:1 Keiji Ogimoto and Soichi Imai.
Japan Scientific Societies Press, c1981.
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