西文图书1.Organic farming in plantation crops / S59/OFP/ED-11
可借复本:1 editors, V. Krishnakumar, P. Chowdappa.
Daya Publishing House, 2017.
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西文图书2.Weeds in tropical crops : selected abstracts on constraints on production caused by weeds in maiz... FAO/S5-5/FAO/V.32
可借复本:2 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO., 1981.
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西文图书3.Weeds in tropical crops : review of abstracts on constraints in production caused by weeds in mai... FAO/S5-5/FAO/V.32/SUP.1
可借复本:3 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO., 1982.
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西文图书4.Product diversification in plantation crops / S181/PDP/ED-11
可借复本:1 [edited by] M.R. Manikantan, P. Chowdappa.
Today & Tomorrow's Printers And Publishers, c2018.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Mechanization of tropical crops / S22/BWN
可借复本:3 W. N. Bates; With a foreword by Cornelius Davies.
Temple Press, c1957.
(0) 馆藏
西文期刊6.Tropical agriculture. S/TA
可借复本:15 Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad and Tobago)
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.], 1924-
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西文图书7.Genetic improvement of tropical crops / S59/CH/ED-11
可借复本:1 Hugo Campos, Peter D.S. Caligari.
Springer, c2017.
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西文图书8.Principles of tropical horticulture / S59/BS/ED-11
可借复本:1 Surendra Bhanot.
Random Publications, 2017.
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西文图书9.Principles of tropical horticulture / S59/PTH/ED-11
可借复本:1 editor, Babasaheb Desai.
Scitus Academics Llc., c2016.
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西文图书10.Wild crop relatives : genomic and breeding resources. Plantation and ornamental crops / S502.4/WCR/ED-11
可借复本:1 Chittaranjan Kole, editor.
Springer, c2011.
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西文图书11.Pests of crops in warmer climates and their control / S435.6/HDS/ED-11
可借复本:1 Dennis S. Hill.
Springer, 2008.
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西文图书12.Genomics of tropical crop plants / S590.3/GTC/ED-11
可借复本:1 Paul H. Moore, Ray Ming, editors ; foreword by Deborah Delmer
Springer, c2008.
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中文图书13.An introduction to the botany of tropical crops / 631.0913/C639
可借复本:2 Leslie S. Cobley.
Longman, 1956.
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西文图书14.Handbook of plant introduction in tropical crops / FAO/S59-62/LJ
可借复本:1 edited by J. Leon.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ; 1974.
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西文图书15.Fertilizer guide for the tropics and subtropics / 2nd ed. S147.3/DGJ/(2)
可借复本:2 Jan G. de Geus.
Centre d'etude de I'Azote, 1973.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书16.Symposium on virus diseases of tropical crops : proceedings of a symposium on tropical agriculture r S432.41-53/ISV/(1976)
可借复本:2 Tropical Agriculture Research Center.
TARC., 1977.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书17.The tropical crops : a popular treatment of the practice of agriculture in tropical regions, with di 633/B275
可借复本:2 by Otis Warren Barrett.
Macmillan, 1928.
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西文图书18.Integrated management of fruit crops and forest nematodes / S471/IMF/ED-11
可借复本:1 edited by A. Ciancio and K.G. Mukerji.
Springer, c2009.
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西文图书19.Tropical plant diseases / S432/THD
可借复本:1 H. David Thurston.
American Phytopathological Society, c1984.
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西文图书20.Guidelines for seed exchange and plant introduction in tropical crops/ FAO/S5-5/FAO/V.76
可借复本:1 ed. by Jorge Leon and Lyndsey A. Withers.
FAO., 1986.
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