西文图书1.Clinical atlas of small animal cytology and hematology / 2nd ed. S852.16/BA/(2)/ED-11
可借复本:0 Andrew G. Burton.
Wiley-Blackwell, c2024.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Cowell and Tyler's diagnostic cytology and hematology of the dog and cat/ 5th ed. S858.292/VAC/(5)/ED-11
可借复本:1 Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell.
Elsevier, c2020.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Equine Hematology, held May 28,29,30, 1975 at... S858.21-53/IS/(1975)
可借复本:1 International Symposium on Equine Hematology
American Association of Equine Practicioners, 1975.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Practical transfusion medicine for the small animal practitioner / 2nd ed. S858.292/SCA/(2)/ED-11
可借复本:1 Carolyn A. Sink.
Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Exotic animal hematology and cytology / 4th ed. S856.2/CTW/(4)/ED-11
可借复本:1 Terry W. Campbell.
Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书6.Veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry / 2nd ed. S854.4/VHC/(2)/ED-11
可借复本:1 editors, Mary Anna Thrall ... [et al.].
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书7.Atlas of comparative diagnostic and experimental hematology / 2nd ed. S856.2-64/SC/(2)/ED-11
可借复本:1 Clifford Smith and Alfred Jarecki ; foreword by Harold Tvedten.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
(0) 馆藏
中文图书8.Veterinary hematology / 636.0896/S298
可借复本:2 by Oscar W. Schalm.
Lea & Febiger, 1961.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书9.Atlas zur Hamatologie von Hund und Katze / S852.2/KP
可借复本:1 Peter Keller, Ulrich Freudiger.
Parey, c1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书10.A Colour atlas of comparative veterinary haematology : normal and abnormal blood cells in mammals, b S852.2-64/HCM
可借复本:1 C.M. Hawkey and T.B. Dennett.
Wolfe Publishing Ltd., 1989.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.Atlas of veterinary hematology : blood and bone marrow of domestic animals / S852/HJW
可借复本:1 John W. Harvey.
W.B. Saunders, c2001.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书12.Manual of feline and canine hematology / S852.3/SOW:2
可借复本:1 by O.W. Schalm.
Veterinary Practice Publishing Company, c1980.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书13.Veterinary hematology : atlas of common domestic and non-domestic species / 2nd ed. S856.2-64/RWJ/(2)
可借复本:2 William J. Reagan, Armando R. Irizarry Rovira, Dennis B. DeNicola.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书14.Veterinary hematology / 2nd ed. S852.3/SOW/(2)
可借复本:4 by Oscar W. Schalm.
Bailliere Tindall & Cassell ; 1965, c1970.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书15.Atlas of clinical avian hematology / S858.93-64/CP
可借复本:1 Phillip Clark, Wayne S.J. Boardman, Shane R. Raidal.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书16.Schalm's veterinary hematology / 5th ed. S856.2/SOW/(5)
可借复本:1 editors, Bernard V. Feldman, Joseph G. Zinkl, Nemi C. Jain.
Blackwell Pub., c2006.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书17.Avian and exotic animal hematology and cytology / 3rd ed. S85/CTW/(3)
可借复本:1 Terry W. Campbell and Christine K. Ellis.
Blackwell Pub., 2007.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书18.Veterinary hematology / 3rd ed. S852.3/SOW/(3)
可借复本:1 O.W. Schalm, N.C. Jain, E.J. Carroll.
Lea & Febiger, 1975.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书19.Schalm's veterinary hematology / 4th ed. S852.3/SOW/(4)
可借复本:1 Nemi C. Jain.
Lea & Febiger, 1986.
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