西文图书1.Gestaltung und Berechnung von Schweisskonstruktionen : Ermudungsfestigkeit. TG405/RD
可借复本:0 Radaj, Dieter.
Deutscher Verlag fur Schweisstechnik, c1985.
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西文图书2.Reparaturschweissung von grau- und stahlauss : richttechnologie / TG406/RGS
可借复本:1 Treppmann Jahre Vogt.
VEB verlag technik, 1960.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Grain refinement in castings and welds : proceedings of a symposium / TG113.1-53/GRC
可借复本:0 sponsored by the Solidification Committee of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, held at the Fall...
The Society, c1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Rational welding design / 2nd ed. TG4/GTG/(2)
可借复本:0 T. G. F. Gray, J. Spence.
Newnes-Butterworths, 1982.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Fatigue of welded steel structures / TU391.1/MWH
可借复本:0 Prepared by W. H. Munse ; edited by La Motte Grover with the cooperation of the Fatigue of Welded...
Welding Research Council, 1964.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书6.Welding procedures for low-alloy steels / TG44/BN
可借复本:0 [by] N. Bailey.
Welding Institute, 1970.
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西文图书7.Practical applications of fracture mechanics to the prevention of failure of welded structures =... TG407-53/IIW
可借复本:0 International Institute of Welding.
s.n., 1979.
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西文图书8.Fatigue of welded structures / 2nd ed. TG407/GTR/(2)
可借复本:0 T.R. Gurney.
Cambridge University Press, 1979.
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西文图书9.Residual stresses in welded construction and their effects : an international conference, [held i... TG404-53/RSW/V.1
可借复本:1 conference technical director, R. W. Nichols.
Welding Institute, c1978.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书10.Residual stresses in welded construction and their effects : an international conference, [held i... TG404-53/RSW/V.2
可借复本:0 conference technical director, R. W. Nichols.
Welding Institute, c1978.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书11.The Toughness of weld heat-affected zones : national seminar London-27 March 1974 : seminar handb... TG40/TWH
可借复本:0 Welding Institute.
Welding Institute, c1975.
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西文图书12.Fatigue performance of welded high strength steels : a compendium of reports from a sponsored res... TG405/FPW
可借复本:0 Welding Institute.
Welding Institute, c1974.
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