西文图书1.Walden = 瓦尔登湖 / I712.64/THD:2
可借复本:1 Henry David Thoreau.
Foreign Language Press, 2008.
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西文图书2.Protecting the wild : parks and wilderness, the foundation for conservation / X36/PWP/ED-11
可借复本:1 edited by George Wuerthner, Eileen Crist, and Tom Butler.
Foundation for Deep Ecology ; c2015.
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西文图书3.Walden / I712.64/THD
可借复本:1 H.D. Thoreau.
Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2008.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Unmanaged landscapes : voices for untamed nature / X36/ULV
可借复本:2 edited by Bill Willers.
Island Press, c1999.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书5.Recreational use of wild lands / 2d ed. F301.2/RUW/(2)
可借复本:1 [by] C. Frank Brockman [and] Lawrence C. Merriam, Jr. With two speciallypreparedchapters by William
McGraw-Hill, [1973]
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西文图书6.Cities in the wilderness : a new vision of land use in America / F371.211/BBE
可借复本:2 Bruce Babbitt.
Island Press/Shearwater Books, c2005.
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西文图书7.Return of the wild : the future of our natural lands / X36/RW
可借复本:3 edited by Ted Kerasote.
Island press, c2001.
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西文图书8.The wilderness from Chamberlain Farm : a story of hope for the American wild / X24/BDB
可借复本:2 Dean B. Bennett ; foreword by Stewart L. Udall.
Island Press/Shearwater Books, c2001.
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