西文图书1.Gender and law : women's rights in agriculture / FAO/D91-5/FAO/V.76/REV.1
可借复本:9 Lorenzo Cotula.
Food and Agriculture Organizat ion of the United Nations, 2006.
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西文图书2.Rural women's access to land and property in selected countries : progress towards achieving the aim FAO/D44-5/RWA
可借复本:0 [Sussek Ejaas, Rodney D.Cooke, Bruce Moore.]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004.
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西文图书3.Summary of the report on the status of the selected UN Conventions in China / D621.5/BG
可借复本:1 [authors, Bai Guimei, Gong Renren ; editors, Andra Tautu, Elena Schak].
UN Theme Group on the Rule of Law, 2005.
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西文图书4.Gender and law : women's rights in agriculture / FAO/D91-5/FAO/V.76
可借复本:1 Lorenzo Cotula for the FAO Legal Office.
FAO., 2002.
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