西文图书1.Labour's formative years, 1849-1879. Extracts from contemporary sources / D415.619/JJB
可借复本:0 extracts from contemporary sources edited by James B. Jefferys.
Lawrence & Wishart, 1948.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书2.British standards for workshop practice / 1946 ed. Z556.1/BSW/(1946)
可借复本:0 editor: J.E. Baty.
British Standards Institution, 1946.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书3.Agricultural machinery workshops : design, epuipment and management. FAO/S22/FAO:3
可借复本:1 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO., 1973.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书4.Workshop engineering calculations and technical science. TB49/SJ
可借复本:0 Stoney, J.
[s.n], 1950.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书5.Elemente des Werkzeugmaschinenbaues : Ihre Berechnung und Konstruktion / 3 verbesserte Auflage. TG502/CM
可借复本:0 Max Coenen.
S. Hirzel Verlag, 1954.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书6.Methods analysis and work measurement / F406/PEJ
可借复本:1 Edward J. Polk ; with contributions by John J. Mariotti ... [et al.].
McGraw-Hill, c1984.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书7.Sons and lovers = 儿子与情人 / I561.45/LDH:9
可借复本:2 D.H. Lawrence.
中译出版社, 2011.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书8.Working class in British films 1950s~2000s : identity, culture, and ideology = 英国工人阶段级银... J905.561/STY
可借复本:2 石同云著.
南开大学出版社, 2015.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书9.Global employment : an international investigation into the future of work. v. 2 / F249/GEI/V.2
可借复本:2 edited by Mihaly Simai, with the assistance of Valentine M. Moghadam and Arvo Kuddo.
Published for the United Nations University, World Institute for Development Ecomnomics Research (UN c1995.
(0) 馆藏 -
中文图书10.The industrial worker in India / 331.0954/SH69
可借复本:1 by B. Shiva Rao.
George Allen and Unwin, 1939.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书11.The body at work : biological ergonomics / Q44/BWB
可借复本:1 edited by W.T. Singleton.
Cambridge University Press, c1982.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书12.Working : people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do / 1st Ballanti D771.269/TS
可借复本:1 Studs Terkel.
Pantheon Books, 1985.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书13.Playing for keeps : how the world's most aggressive and admired companies use core values to manage, F270/HFG
可借复本:2 Frederick G. Harmon.
J. Wiley, c1996.
(0) 馆藏 -
中文图书14.Wages and labour in the Lancashire cotton spinning industry / 331.28677/J556
可借复本:1 by John Jewkes and E. M. Gray, of the Economics Research Section, University of Manchester.
Manchester University Press, 1935.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书15.The workplace : today and tomorrow / C913.2/PJ/V.1
可借复本:2 Joe Pace.
McGraw Hill, 2006.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书16.Global employment : an international investigation into the future of work. v. 1 / F249/GEI/V.1
可借复本:2 edited by Mihaly Simai, with the assistance of Valentine M. Moghadam and Arvo Kuddo.
United Nations University Press, 1995.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书17.Sons and lovers / I561.45/LDH:2
可借复本:2 D.H. Lawrence.
Penguin books, c1995.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书18.The workplace : interpersonal strengths and leadership / C913.2/PJ/V.2
可借复本:2 Joe Pace.
McGraw-Hill, c2006.
(0) 馆藏 -
中文图书19.Household mechanics / 2nd ed. 640/B39
可借复本:1 [by] Earl L. Bedell [and] Ernest G. Gardner.
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., c1945.
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书20.The mom inventors handbook : how to turn your great idea into the next big thing / F276.5/MT
可借复本:2 Tamara Monosoff.
McGraw-Hill, c2005.
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