中文图书1.Dynamical systems and statistical mechanics = 动力系统与统计力学 / O313-53/SYG
可借复本:2 Ya.G. 西奈著.
Harbin institute of technology press, 2019.
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中文图书2.Lie groups, their discrete subgroups, and invariant theory / O152/VEB
可借复本:2 E.B. Vinberg = 李群, 离散子群与不变量理论 / E.B. 温贝格著.
Harbin institute of technology press, 2019.
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中文图书3.Representation theory and dynamical systems / O19/VAM
可借复本:2 A.M. Vershik = 表示论与动力系统 / A.M. 沃希克著.
Harbin institute of technology press, 2019.
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