西文图书1.Glossary of inland fishery terms glossaire de termes utilises dans le domaine des peches interieu... FAO/S9-5/FAO:4/V.12
可借复本:0 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO., 1978.
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西文图书2.Historical review of EIFAC activities / FAO/S9-27/FAO:2
可借复本:1 prepared by A. V. Holden.
FAO., 1981.
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西文图书3.EIFAC experiments on pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods in lake Konnevesi, Finland / FAO/S9-5/FAO:4/V.14
可借复本:1 by T. B. Bagenal ... [et al.].
FAO., 1982.
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西文图书4.EIFAC experiments on pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods in lake constance / by E. Dah FAO/S9-5/FAO:4/V.15-17
可借复本:3 Hartmann, J.
FAO., 1987.
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西文图书5.EIFAC code of practice for recreational fisheries. FAO/S9-5/FAO:4/V.42
可借复本:0 European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2008.
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