西文图书1.FAO yearbook. FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pches = FAO anuario. Estadsticas de pesca. Fishery s... FAO/S9-54/FAO/(1987-2005), FAO/S9-54/...
可借复本:65 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1987-2005.
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西文图书2.Yearbook [of] fishery statistics = Annuaire statistiques des phes = Anuario estadticas de pesca... FAO/S9/YFS/(1987-2005)
可借复本:0 FAO.
FAO. ; 1997.
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西文图书3.Fresh fish : quality and quality changes / FAO/S98/HHH, S98/HHH
可借复本:1 by Hans Henrik Huss.
FAO., 1988.
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西文图书4.Yearbook of fisheries statistics = Annuaire statistique des peches. FAO/S9-54/FAO/(1978-1985)
可借复本:16 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1947-1986.
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西文图书5.Atlas of the living resources of the seas / 4th ed. FAO/S931-64/FAO/(4)
可借复本:1 prepared by the FAO Fisheries Department = Atlas des ressources biologiques des mers / pr俻ar?par le
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ; 1981.
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西文图书6.Mammals in the seas / FAO/Q958.8/FAO
可借复本:7 FAO Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research, Working Party on Marine Mammals ; with the coop
FAO, 1978-1982.
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