西文图书1.FAO species catalogue. an annotated catalogue of species of interesttofisheries / v. 1, Shrimps a... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125
可借复本:1 prepared by L. B. Holthuis.
FAO., 1980.
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西文图书2.FAO species catalogue. an annotated and illustrated catalogue of species ofsharkspecies known to... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.4.1
可借复本:1 prepared by Leonard J. V. Compagno.
FAO., 1984.
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西文图书3.FAO species catalogue : Sharks of the world : an annotated and illustrated catalogue of species o... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.4.2
可借复本:1 prepared by Leonard J. V. Compagno.
FAO., 1984.
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西文图书4.FAO species catalogue : 5Billfishes of the world : an annotated and illustrated catalogue ofmarli... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.5
可借复本:1 prepared by Izumi Nakamura.
FAO., 1985.
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西文图书5.FAO species catalogue v10 : IGadiform fishes of the world / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.10
可借复本:1 prepared by Daniel M. Cohen ... [et al.].
FAO., 1990.
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西文图书6.FAO species catalogue vol.6 iSnappers of the world : An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lu... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.6
可借复本:1 prepared by G. R. Allen.
FAO., 1985.
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西文图书7.FAO species catalogue. v. 2, Scombrids of the world : an annotated and illustrated catalogue of t... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.2
可借复本:2 prepared by Bruce B. Collette and Cornelia E. Nauen.
FAO., 1983.
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西文图书8.FAO species catalogue vol.7 iClupeoid fishes of the world pt. 2, Engraulididae / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.7.2
可借复本:1 prepared by Peter J. P. Whitehead ... [et al.].
FAO., 1988.
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西文图书9.FAO species catalogue. v. 3, Cephalopods of the world : an annotated and illustrated catalogue of... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.3
可借复本:1 prepared by Clyde F. E. Roper, Michael J. Sweeney and Cornelia E. Nauen.
FAO., 1984.
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西文图书10.Synopsis of biological data on the Northern Pike / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.30/REV.2
可借复本:1 prepared by Alexander J. P . Raat.
FAO., 1988.
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西文图书11.Synopsis of biological data on the eel, Anguilla anguilla, (Linnaeus, 1758) / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.80/REV.1
可借复本:1 prepared by C. L. Deelder.
FAO., 1984.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书12.FAO species catalogue vol.7 iClupeoid fishes of the world : an annotated and illustrated catalogu... FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.7.1
可借复本:1 prepared by Peter J. P. Whitehead.
FAO., 1985.
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西文图书13.FAO species catalogue. an annotated and illustrated catalogue of pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas an FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.18
可借复本:1 Jorgen G. Nielsen,Daniel M. Cohen ... [et al.].
FAO., 1999.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书14.Synopsis of biological data on the lumpsucker, Cyclopterus Lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758) / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.147
可借复本:1 prepared by J. Davenport.
FAO., 1985.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书15.FAO species catalogue FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.11
可借复本:1 prepared by Rene Marquez M.
FAO., 1990.
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西文图书16.FAO species catalogue. an annotated and illustrated catalogue of the Sillago, Smelt or Indo-Pacific FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.14
可借复本:1 by Roland J. McKay.
FAO., 1992.
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西文图书17.Synopsis of biological data on the chub mackerel / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.157
可借复本:1 prepared by Jose J. Castro Hernandez and Ana T. Santana Ortega.
FAO., 2000.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书18.FAO species catalogue an annotated and illustrated catalogue ofcaesionidspecies known to date / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.8
可借复本:1 prepared by Kent E. Carpenter.
FAO., 1988.
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西文图书19.Synopsis of biological data on the school shark, Galeorhinus australis (Macleay 1881) / FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.139
可借复本:1 prepared by A. M. Olsen.
FAO., 1984.
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西文图书20.FAO species catalogue FAO/S9-7/FAO:3/V.125/PT.12
可借复本:1 by Barry C. Russell.
FAO., 1990.
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