西文图书1.Real-time forecasting/control of water resource systems : selected papers from an IIASA workshop, Oc P338-53/IIA
可借复本:1 edited by Eric F. Wood, with the assistance of Andr鈇s Sz鑟ll鑟si-Nagy.
Pergamon, 1980.
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西文图书2.Logistics and benefits of using mathematical models of hydrologic and water resource systems : selec P33-53/ISL
可借复本:1 A.J. Askew, F. Greco, and J. Kindler, editors ; convened by the International Institute for Applied
Pergamon Press, c1981.
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西文图书3.Pest management : proceedings of an international conference, 25-29 October 1976 / S4-53/PM
可借复本:1 G. A. Norton and C. S.Holling,editors.
Pergamon Press, 1979.
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西文图书4.Mathematical models for planning and controlling air quality : proceedings of an October 1979 IIASA X51-53/MMP
可借复本:1 Giorgio Fronza and Piero Melli, editors.
Pergamon Press, c1982.
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