西文图书1.Ionic hydration in chemistry and biophysics / O645.13/CBE
可借复本:1 B.E. Conway.
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. : 1981.
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西文图书2.Ions and molecules in solution : a collection of invited papers presented at the session lectures an O645-53/ISS/(1982)
可借复本:1 edited by N.Tanaka, H. Ohtaki, R. Tamamushi.
Elsevier, 1983.
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西文图书3.Physical chemistry of the solid state : applications to metals and their compounds : proceedings of O64-53/SCP/(1983)
可借复本:2 jointlyorganised with the Societe chimique de France, the Societe francaise de Metallurgie, and the
Elsevier, 1984.
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西文图书4.Computational chemistry : an emphasis on practical calculations / O6-04/JMD
可借复本:1 Milton D. Johnston, Jr.
Elsevier, 1988.
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西文图书5.Theoretical chemistry of biological systems / Q5/TCB
可借复本:1 edited by G. Naray-Szabo.
Elsevier, 1986.
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